We are a research-based literacy centre, focusing on the development of leadership and literacy skills in preschoolers. We advocate creative learning in the children's learning experiences.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Parents' Voice (February) : Alesya's father

" Thanks to the teachers who guides her to be such a wonderful child." -Alesya's mother

Parents' Voice (February) : Imran's parents

"At home, Imran always lost his focus to learn. We observe that he likes to learn in a group environment rather than learning alone. We are very happy when Amazing Kids introduces the leadership program since Imran is our first son." -Imran's parents

Parents' Voice (February) : Zara's parents

" Zara is depending to his brother, Imran when learning at home. She always asks her brother about her books.Yet, Zara shows improvement when speaking in English. Perhaps she can improve in public speaking in English since she talks a lot in BM." - Zara's parents

Parents' Voice (February) : Nadya's father

"Great and good achievement. The best part is that Nadya is enjoying her "school" and always looks forward to go. We are happy and satisfied. Nadya sings songs and is now teaching her "bibit"(maid) to speak English too." - Nadya's father

Parents' Voice (February) : Daniel's father

"Daniel's progress with Amazing Kids is simply AMAZING :-
1. He participates actively in our bedtime stories reading.
2. He is happy to wake up to "school"(school=amazing kids) and actually volunteers to sleep early and asks to go to school when he wakes up.
3. He is more obedient and takes instructions positively. He enjoys responsibility; for example, he looks after his egg in his pocket whole day and after school.
Thank you DJ and Christine"  - Daniel's Father

Parents' Voice (February) : Yusof's parents

"It is glad to know that Yusof has shown impressive progress. We hope that he will learn more and able to speak , read and write in English.Thanks Teacher DJ and Teacher Christine." - Yusof's parents

Parents' Voice (February) : Emmilia's mother

" Thank you very much to the teachers of Amazing kids for teaching her." -Emmilia's mother

Parents' Voice (January) : Emmilia's mother

" I am happy that Emmilia has improved a lot. Everyday she really cant wait to go to school even during holiday. Thank you teachers for making the school an interesting place for my kids." - Emmilia's mother

Parents' Voice (January) : Nadya's father

" We are definitely glad to see Nadya's joyful smile while drawing circles. Thank you for guiding. We hope that Amazing Kids will excel and progress fast. Thanks again." - Nadya's father

Parents' Voice (January) : Imran's parents

" Imran has developed his social skill very well. Even though he speaks BM at home, we can know that he is translating English to BM which he learns from Amazing Kids as his BM sounds weird when speaking." -Imran's parents

Parents' Voice (January) : Zara's parents

"Zara learns new things very well. She is interested to learn alphabets and tries to write with her hand in the air." -Zara's parents

Parents' Voice (January) : Alif's mother

"Alif seems to love and enjoy going to Amazing Kids. He looks more confident when interacting with other children." -Alif's mother

Parents' Voice (January) : Alesya's mother

"I am happy and proud for Alesya's creativity. Alesya told me that she enjoys doing activities especially singing in the school. Teachers, thank you for helping Alesya." -Alesya's mother

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Why Is Play Important?

Play is essential for the children’s growth and development. According to the guidelines from the Association for Childhood Education International and the National Association for the Education for Young Children, play:

• Enables children to make sense of their world.
• Develops social and cultural understandings.
• Allows children to express their thoughts and feelings.
• Fosters flexible and divergent thinking.
• Provides opportunities to meet and solve real problems.
• Develops language and literacy skills and concepts.

Based on these rationale, play is central to the children’s learning in Amazing Kids. In the following photos, consider how play contributes to children’s cognitive, social-emotional, physical, language development. Do you notice the smiles on their faces when they play?

We Like To Play

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Parents' Voice (January) : Daniel's father

"Daniel went to a few children enrichment programs but Amazing Kids is Daniel's favourite place where he looks forward to come to the centre. We have no problem at all to go to the centre. He learns to read quickly and start recognizing connective words like "the", "and", "in" and others. He is really happy, thank you and do lengthen your centre hours." -Daniel's father
