We are a research-based literacy centre, focusing on the development of leadership and literacy skills in preschoolers.
We advocate creative learning in the children's learning experiences.
Today, the children learnt about air transport, and we viewed a variety of helicopters through a slideshow. To spice up a learning, Teacher Christine dressed up as a chief of the Pugu Tribe. The children were entertained by a story and a paper helicopter which could fly. The children had a great time laughing. After that, they were given a peg, colour pencils and crayons and paper to design their own helicopter. Then, we played one of their favourite songs, "Happy Summer Holidays" and they danced around with their helicopters.
Ziyad is an adventurous, boisterous child who is well-loved in Amazing Kids. During a dress-up session, Ziyad took the challenge to be Mr. Bond. With the help of Elsa, who is also an extremely amazing child, she guided her friend to pose. The teachers had a great time taking photos of Ziyad. This learning experience allows the child to explore his creativity, as well as venturing into his gifts which are yet to be tapped into. Dress-up should be highly encouraged throughout the child's learning.
Have you ever flown a kite indoor? Well, our Amazing Kids flew their personal kites in the centre. They designed their kites using crayons and colour pencils on a white A4 paper. Then, we folded the paper into the shape of a plane. Yarns were used to make the strings for the kite. The yarn was tied to a toilet roll.
Within half an hour, the children were flying the kites! It was sheer fun.
Our children had a surprise visit from Magician Christine. Magician Christine delighted the children with magic. First, she place an empty tea bag on a flat tray, then she lighted it. The teabag flew up, up, up in the air. The children squealed at the sight of the flying teabag. Then, in a wink of an eye, the flying teabag disappeared into thin air. Then, Magician Christine asked the children, "What air transport do you think it is?" Elsa quickly responded, "A hot-air balloon." This was a creative lesson the children enjoyed and learnt for the day. Later, the children designed the hot-air balloon using paper and a blown-up balloon, straws and marker pens.
Children viewed a slideshow of various land transport. After that, they chose the materials of their choice and started to create their own land transport. Recycled materials like toilet rolls, coloured paper, wrappers were used. Children impressed us with their creative works, amongst which were: a baby car, an Ironman fire fighter, a yellow tanker, a disco car, a pink car, a train and so on.
Last week, our Amazing Kids were challenged to complete the Walk of Challenge as a team. Two to three children were teamed up, with their legs tied together in a string. They had to find a way to walk together from one end of the classroom to the other end, without falling. Some held each other's hand, some had a firm grip on a friend's arm and some had their shoulders around each other. It was interesting to watch the children communicate with each other and how they supported each other in the challenge. After that, we had a debrief to talk about how they felt and what they had learnt through this experience. Many said that they learnt to work as a team and their feet is also a from of land transport. After the debrief, the children created their personal foot or feet (some came up with a leg with two feet) using toilet rolls and coloured paper.
Alif is very fond of an extremely famous celebrity right now, named Justin Bieber. He gets excited whenever one calls him Alif Bieber. Alif wants to be just like his idol. He asked his parents to get him hooded jackets and he hopes to get one in purple because it is his idol’s favourite colour. Here, Alif is seen in a white hooded jacket. He is giving his best to build something with blocks and buttons.
Parents' Feedback
He takes Justin Bieber as his role model. The good thing is, once when he try to do something funny, we'll remind him about Justin and he'll correct himself. He also keep telling us (parents) and also the grandparents that he wants to be in TV. Whether to act or to sing, we're not sure. Obviously he wants to be Justin, dress like Justin, and behave like Justin, and do all the good things as Justin did.
Pei Yee enjoys engaging in all sorts of pretend play. Be it individually or with her friends. Today, Pei Yee decided to use only stools and chairs as her props. Then, she climbed up on one and started walking on them. Here, Pei Yee is doing a balancing trick. She is pretending to be an acrobat. Pei Yee’s partner in this courageous act is Ziyad. Pei Yee’s imagination and creativity has increased tremendously.
Parents' Feedback
As parent, we are happy and glad to see my beloved Pei Yee improve in term of her creativity, imagination, bold, and more independent since she joined Amazing Kids for about 3 months.
Teacher feedback Pei Yee's imagination and creativity has increased tremendously. I summarize as following :
Thinking : During early childhood development, their brain development is vital. Reason being every individual is unique and special, as they born with special talent and potential. Thus they shall be given the freedom in term of Thinking. As parent or teachers, we shall focus and pay more attention on the child Thinking Development (Quote as follow ~ source : NLP) instead of Academic Oriented (Knowing and Doing is totally 2 different thing, we shall be conscious and constantly remind ourself about this). In another words, we or adult shall not limit children thinking ability by consciously and continuously discover their "hidden" potential with patient. Then in the next stage, we can focus on moulding their morale or behavior.
(Cause or Begin)Thinking - Feeling - Action - Habit - Attitude (Effect or Outcome) ~ [Source : NLP]
Ziyad is a master of creations. He has this gift to create and bring life to what he has created. Ziyad and Pei Yee’s friendship is strengthened through many different imaginative activities and role plays they engage in together. Here, Ziyad builds an aeroplane using colourful stools. He pretends to be the pilot and Pei Yee is his co-pilot. We believe Ziyad will be a great architect.
Parents' Feedback
Just do whatever you love Ziyad. As long as you do your best and do it well, Mummy and Papa are proud of you!
Zara has learnt well and she continues to learn excellently. Zara is friends with everyone in the school. Her confidence level has increased exponentially through words of encouragement and as she spends time with her friends. Zara has been voicing out her thoughts a lot and she gives her best when she speaks English. Today, she learns to put on an excited facial expression on a homemade “rollercoaster”.
Parents' Feedback
Zara makes us proud. Her English language keep improving. She can watch English cartoon without us translating to her. Even while she playing with her teddy bears, she named them and pretend to talk to them. This is really amazing!!
Laura grows to be more and more courageous every day! Laura has led her friends during Songs and Rhymes, the Code of Conduct, the Calendar Time, Free Activity Time, games, and others. Laura has also told stories during Story Time and done Show and Tell. Here, Laura tells her friends what to do as she gives her best to fit as many friends as possible into the checkered sarong.
Parents' Feedback
Laura gets more creative in inventing new play by the day. As she takes the lead in play and interacting with her friends, she indeed gets more courageous to try new things. Her success in it is encouraging her to even excel, but she always needs encouragement from the parents, teachers, and friends!
Ashley is a young little girl born into this world as a natural leader. She has the ingredients to be an Amazing Leader yesterday, today, and tomorrow. During a thinking game today, Ashley was selected to be the team leader. Here, Ashley tells her friends what to do with the sarong and she made sure that everything was going according to “plan”. Ashley, tiny in size but full of capabilities.
Parents' Feedback Ashley loves her friends in school and she has lots of fun playing with them, taking turns to be leaders and also learning to follow at other times. She is quite diligent in ensuring things are properly done and would correct me at times if she thinks I've said or pronounce something wrongly!
Jien has a super adorably cheeky character! He is very much loved in the school. Everyone finds him so cute and he’s always missed whenever he’s absent. Of late, Jien has learnt to take instructions very well. He is obedient and he will do what is right most of the time. He still needs to be reminded but we believe that he has matured well and is moving on to his next level of development.
Parents' Feedback
We think as he grows up, he is learning to take instructions and understands us and his surroundings better. In addition, he also has lesser fights with his sister these days! Well, we only hope for more positive progress from this cheeky, little fella!
Raimie loves Transformers very much. Since he watched the latest movie, Transformers: Dark Of The Moon, he talks about it daily with his friends. Before this, Raimie always pretends play as one. He would curl up like a ball on the floor waiting to “transform”. Today, Raimie used a few construction materials to form a Transformer’s “hand” and puts it on. Meet Raimie The Transformer!
Parents' Feedback
It's great to know that Raimie's favourite characters, the Autobots bring out the creativity in him. He is always creating things at home as well using whatever materials he can find. Well done Raimie Prime!
Last Saturday, 16th July 2011, we celebrated our second Celebration of Learning with the Amazing Kids as well as their parents. Parents teamed up with their children to complete an amazing race, held at The Strand. This activity is purposed for us to learn to work together, as a team and using our diligent eyes to look at our community. Later, the parents were challenged to dress up their children as a community hero of their choice, using the costumes and materials available in the centre. We all had fun as the children were dressed up as a model, fashion designer, a puppetter, a rapper, an astronaut and so on.
That’s What Friends Are For A friend is defined as a person whom one knows, likes, and trusts. We believe that friends are people who we can depend on to go through challenges with us and also spend precious time together with us. It is true that no man is an island. Everyone needs a friend. Same goes for you and me.
Learning Process First, we ask the children about their friends. For example, who is your friend, why do you like him or her, what do you like to do together, and more. Next, we gave each child a piece of art block paper. We have the children to draw a friend on one piece. They can colour it if they desire to. They were also encouraged to do more than one. Once completed, the children shared their thoughts on what they have produced.
Reflection Through this expression, we learn to: a. Appreciate our friends well. b. Express our thoughts onto paper. c. Explain our drawings to others. d. Be amazing friends to everyone around us.
My Big, Big Dream What’s my big, big dream? What’s your big, big dream? We love to dream big, don’t we all? Maybe we would like to be a doctor, a lawyer, an engineer, or a teacher? Whatever we may choose to be, why do we do what we do? The children learn that community heroes do what they do to help others.
Learning Process First, we looked through a slideshow of photos of the many different types of professions in the world. Then, we also watched various videos and go on exciting field trips together to have a much deeper insight. We had opportunities to get hands-on experiences too. Later, the children were encouraged to decide on a community hero they would like to be in the future and they expressed the desire into their masterpieces.
Reflection Through these exposures, the children learn: a. To dream big, big dreams. b. To select and decide for their future. c. That it’s not about us, it’s always about others.
Bakers In Action Once again, the Erbe family has used their big, big heart to invest in the lives of these young children. This time, Aunty Angeline (Viola’s and Laura’s mum) is our community heroine. She is the amazing baker! She prepared cakes for each child beforehand and taught them how to decorate it. Thanks to her, the children were given the opportunity to become little bakers in her home.
Learning Process First, we had a short briefing at the centre. Then, we headed for the Erbe’s home. We greeted our community heroine and settled down. We then focused well and listened well to what was taught. We learnt well and produced creatively decorated cakes for our dads in conjunction with Father’s Day this weekend.
Reflection Through this hands-on experience, we learn to: a. Appreciate our dad and the bakers. b. Share with others our gifts and talents. c. Take turns and be patient. d. Give our best and complete our tasks well.
Look At What My Body Can Do! It is important for children to know and appreciate their body because no one child is alike. Knowing that they are special helps them to have a good self-esteem and self-confidence. Besides that, this encourages the children to care and protect their body in terms of hygiene, health, and safety.
Learning Process Various creative academic activities are carried out to facilitate this learning. The children also teach themselves by learning from others through imitation, pretend play, and more. Sometimes, impromptu teaching happens when we detect readiness in a child.
Reflection Through this adventure, the children: a. Learn to have confidence in themselves. b. Discover what they can do with their body. c. Are courageous to face new challenges. d. Believe they are special/one in a million. e. Will take good care of themselves and others.
A Box Full Of Surprise! Occupation means a person’s work or business, especially as a means of earning a living. The occupation box however, is a purposeful project innovated by the children. It is packed with plenty of items which link to various occupations. The children’s learning and understanding are reinforced through these items. It is definitely an eye-opener for them.
Learning Process Throughout the “occupation” theme, we watched many videos of the different community heroes in action, went for field trips and even had a few of them come into the centre. We brainstormed and agreed on the crafts we would like to work on and produced assortments of crafts related to our community heroes. Slowly but surely, we added a craft into our box week after week until it is full.
Reflection Through this project, the children learn: a. To appreciate their community heroes. b. About the blue-collar workers and the white-collar workers.
On the 30th May, 2011 we went to the fire station in Desa Sri Hartamas. One of our children came in prepared as he wore his firefighter’s outfit. He brought along his helmet too. While we were there, the children, parents and teachers had fun doing many things a firefighter does. We went up on a ladder truck about two stories high and sat in a fire engine. Besides that, we used a fire hose and pretended to put out the fire! We also learnt that fire-fighters are noble and respectable community heroes. They have to go through very tough trainings, and are always prepared to lend a helping hand to those in need.
What does it mean to live among the poor? We decided that it is important for the children to learn about the poor who live in the community. We had a simulation of a slum house. We turned the ‘Puppet Theatre’ into a slum house. We had the children to go into it one by one and asked questions relating to the situation. Later, we invited all of them to fit inside the ‘slum house’. It was jammed pack inside and we asked how they felt. Through this experience, the children learnt about the poor and where they live. They used their imaginations to experience (live out) the situation. The children are reminded to be thankful that they have a home. They also learn to conserve resources and be resourceful.
This week, the children learnt to name their family members through creative academic activities. They shared about the roles of the family members and the activities they do together as a family through their drawings. The children learnt about different types of houses and rooms through pictures and projects. They also drew their dream house, and made houses using recycled materials. Some of the houses included a feathered castle, a boathouse, an aeroplane house, an ABC house, a Number house, a storyhouse and so on. As a team, the children and teachers created a room of their choice and formed a mansion with all the rooms they made. We named it “The Amazing Mansion”!
Mother's Day, a day that marks a celebration of motherhood and a day to honor mothers. This special day is celebrated in various ways in different parts of the world. Some can be traced back to ancient festivals, many of which is celebrated by expressing one's love to the mother through gifts, cards or a dining out at a nice restaurant. Locally, we too, had our children prepare a personalized gift for their mummies. To break the traditional card-presentation, we decided to present mum with a special ladle. Check them out!
Community heroes are people who make a difference in our community. This month, our children learnt about the different types of community heroes such as the white collar workers as well as the blue collar workers. They learnt that white collar workers are usually skilled and educated. In contrast, blue collar workers usually require manual labour in their work. In this activity, children were challenged to carry bricks under the hot sun to build a tower. This is purposed to have them experienced the life of a construction worker under the hot sun. We had a debrief and we asked how they felt working under the hot sun. Many of them said that "It was so hot", "I don't want to be a blue collar worker". Children were reminded to be thankful that they have a school to go to, and that they are to learn well.
On the 11th of April 2011, the children together with their teachers, parents, and some guardians went for our very first field trip. We experienced the prehistoric world of dinosaurs through the ‘Dinos Alive!’ exhibition in the National Science Centre. We learnt about the dinosaurs together as a team. We learnt what the word “dinosaur” means, what they are, their diet, their names, some of their special features, and more. During the trip, the children also learnt to wait for their turn to do an activity, wash their hands, ask questions, and so on. Even the parents had a great time bonding and learning about each other. Besides that, we had an amazing time learning together!
In Amazing Kids, we believe that children will learn best when they learn to listen well and focus well. Listening well requires children to keep quiet when others are speaking. Here, children are trained to put up their hands to ask questions when they don’t understand. They are only allowed to do so when others have finished speaking. Then, they wait until their name is called. They are encouraged to ask questions politely, by saying “Please.”
As for focusing well, children are to look at the speaker when they are spoken to. In Amazing Kids, children are taught to have eye contact with the speaker. This way, children learn to respect the speaker. At the same time, they establish a relationship with the speaker.
What happens when children listen well and focus well? Well, well, well, they will complete their tasks with excellence!
Why should children learn about their ‘self’? It is important for children to know who they are because they are unique and have individual identities. No one child is alike. Knowing that they are special will help them to have a good self-esteem. Children with good self-esteem naturally exert self-confidence. Confident children will overcome all challenges they face positively. Nonetheless, it is equally important for children to know their physical self. Knowing their physical self will encourage them to care and protect their body (hygiene, health, and safety). Besides that, knowing their body well will add on to their confidence too.
The children learnt about their body parts, the functions of their body parts, and how to care for their body in the first quarter of the year. The learning experiences were carried out through creative activities like making a mask, drawing facial expressions on balloons, building a body using balloons, crawling on stools, hopping around like kangaroos, crawling like little green iguanas, clapping to musical rhythms and watching videos.
It's always joyous and fun in Amazing Kids. Yes, children love to have fun because they have the right to have fun. Here, in Amazing Kids, besides helping the children to achieve academically, children are encouraged to explore their world with their creativity. As you can see from the pictures, the children could build a house using cushions and 'sarongs' with their imagination. They can pretend play as princesses, fairies, or superheroes with the costumes and masks. They tell stories which delight their friends. They play hide-and-seek by tracing their friends' footsteps. There is so much to learn from them. They are such a fun and joyous team to work and be with. Thank you Amazing Kids for making learning a fun and joyous experience!
Sean simple adores the superhero named Spiderman. Whenever Sean comes to Amazing Kids, he always asks permission if he could put on the Spiderman costume. He then has fun with his friends and pretend plays as Spiderman. Here, Sean confidently poses as his favourite superhero.
Parents' Feedback
Sean loves playing heroes and he can imitate his heroes pretty well. He is a keen observer when it concerns his favourite heroes. I hope it will encourage him further in acquiring good positive qualities! Thank you teachers!
Today, Zara and her friends learn about their body parts. When asked, "Who would like to lie down and be traced by her friends?" Zara quickly raises up her hands to indicate that she has decided to do it. Then, Zara hops onto the mahjong paper and lies on it.
Parents' Feedback
Zara always practic at home.
For us that what we call development.
Zara told me at Amazing Kids, teachers always support her in what she want to do.
Elsa brings cupcakes for her friends in Amazing Kids today. She gives each friend a cake. She remembers her friend, Imran, Zara's brother, who is absent. Elsa then places a cupcake into Zara's snack box and tells Zara to pass it to Imran. Elsa uses her big, big heart well!
Parents' Feedback
Elsa has learned the meaning of sharing and friendship. She misses her friends from previous class. However, she is adjusting well with her new set of classmates.
Ashley learns to name her body parts. In this activity, Ashley walks with a blindfold over her eyes and places the word "face". She unfolds the blindfold, and completes the activity with a victorious smile. She is proud to know that she has matched it correctly.
Parents' Feedback
Ashley has progressed so well in her learning abilities! She uses her senses to help her learn... The teaching methods of tracing fingers over ridged letters have certainly been a success in helping Ashley recognise her letters by feel. Thank you teachers!
Adam enjoys using the fruits and vegetables learning materials in Amazing Kids. Here, Adam sorts and classifies the fruits and vegetables accordingly. This activity shows that Adam has developed the skill to classify. Classifying is an important skill to counting later on.
Parents' Feedback
Yes, at home Adam also classifies his toys sometimes. Lately, everyday back from teacher's house, he will talk about what he learns in school. He says "today I learn words, letters, toys, kick a ball with Alif and run super fast, and strike. Am not sure about the strike. Hahaha. I think its bowling! Hehe. But he has learn to communicate more.
Jien has made many friends in Amazing Kids and everyone love him. Jien is simply adorable and he is learning well. He is able to join his friends and do fun activities together, sometimes. He is comfortable and feels at home, here in Amazing Kids.
Parents' Feedback
I think it is a great start for him to be able to know more kids around his age and to interact with others besides family members. However, he still needs to learn how to love, care and share with others.
By Amazing Kids being his 2nd 'home', I hope he will soon participate more actively in the classes/activities.
Azri enjoys doing cutting and pasting. He uses the scissors well and is careful not to hurt himself. One day, he accidentally cut his finger. He quickly overcomes this experience and has since then, learn to cut well with the scissors. Most importantly, he remembers to be careful when he uses the scissors!
Parents' Feedback
Azri got improvement in doing cutting and he is really careful after the incident happen to him. The experience give him a lesson learn. Since the accident he always remind to everybody to be more careful.
This year, Alif works closely with Adam in Amazing Kids. During Word Time, Alif observes his good friend, Adam pretending as a robot. Alif learns from Adam and pretends to be a robot too. Alif uses a toilet paper tube to assist him in doing so.
Parents' Feedback
It seem's that Alif is progressing positively, with his imagination, creating his own stories (sometimes lying), he even sometimes talking by himself using the mobile phone. Lately, he's playing the TV remote control by choosing his favourite channel 613 Astro. When he is with his baby sister, he'll pretend like they're chatting, while he's actually talking alone. His interest in knowing things increased. While the grandma is frying fish, he insist in learning how to fry too. When he sees a motorcycle, he'll say that he wants to ride the bike and I'll have to be the passenger. Overall, we're happy with his achievement. Only sometimes, when he is unsure of something (example: the letter U, V, X & Y), he'll speak out quietly. Keep up the goodwork, teachers. Many thanks to Amazing Kids. We'll try our very best to practice all the education methods as you teach us for Alif.
When it comes to taking photos, Azmiera is one young girl who does not shy away. Azmiera is ever ready to take photos and is confident with herself. Here, Azmiera wears a "kung fu master" costume and spontaneously strikes a pose when the camera comes by.
Parents' Feedback
Based on the story above we realise Azmiera are often act spontaneously in whatever she did. She seems very confident on herself and are not shy to show it. Also one of her favourite hobby are taking photos and always ready when it come to taking picture. It show Azmiera eager to learn and act spontaneously whenever it needs.
Raimie accidentally spills some of his drinking water on the floor. He then learns to accept responsibility by cleaning up after himself. Raimie wipes the floor dry with a mop. After that, he returns the mop to where he gets it. Well done, Raimie!
Parents' Feedback
We're very proud of Raimie. Even when he makes a mess at home, he will want to clean it up all by himself. :) He's learning to take more responsibilities now since he's now a big brother to his baby sister. I'm sure Raimie will continue to set a good example to all.
Germaine begins the New Year by making new friends with Elsa and Zara. This year, Germaine works closely with Elsa and Zara which facilitates in strengthening their friendship. Germaine also enjoys "Thinking Time" with them.
Parents' Feedback
She surprised us by being able to read the whole story from the book. Germaine enjoys reading to us and tries to point words in other books as well.
Today, Laura comes in to Amazing Kids dressed in a lovely skirt. A skirt perfectly fit for a lovely girl like Laura, a princess. When asked, Laura says, "Daddy bought this for me." Then, she smiles and expresses herself by spinning and twirling round and round. Laura says, "See, teacher. Look at me!"
Parents' Feedback
She still look forward to go to school everyday. Maybe she like to show off her dresses! Besides that, Laura felt bored during school break or weekends. Lately, she practised a few words of Bahasa at home. We enjoyed listening to her. Overall, she is very happy studying at Amazing Kids. Thank You Teachers!
It's the first day of school and Alannah is a fast learner. After using the learning materials on an activity mat, Alannah tidies up. Alannah rolls up the mat nicely and places it at the right place. Well done, Alannah!
Parents' Feedback
We are pleased to know that she can tidy up stuff on her own, hopefully there's a continuity at home as well.
One year ago, we interviewed a number of parents if they would send their children to a centre which advocates leadership training for preschoolers.Out of the 20 parents, 95% said they would choose a centre which promotes creativity, rather than leadership. Despite the discouraging response, we still went ahead to advocate leadership training for preschoolers. Today, after one of year working with children as young as three years old, we know that children can be trained to think and act as leaders. How do we know that?
1. Through our daily observation of the children's behaviour, 2. Through the children's words and actions, and 3. From parents' feedback.
This is a story of Adam who is now four years old. Just three days ago, when Teacher DJ invited the children to line up, she said, "Amazing Leaders". Adam replied confidently, "I am a leader." He said it for a number of times as he engaged in various activities during the day. This learning experience indicated that the child now knows that he is a leader. As a leader, you play a role, that role is to do and say what is right. Adam has learnt to tidy up the learning materials, remind his friends to tidy up and put away his snack box after snack time independently.
One other story was a story shared by a parent. This is a story of five-year-old Dan. One day, Dad and Dan went to J Co at Giant to get some doughnuts. Here is the conversation that took place between them after Dan learnt the word and concept of "respect".
Dan : Dad, can I get the mini doughnut?
Dad : No, Dan. This one comes in a pack of 24. You cannot finish all of them.
Dan : I can keep some for tomorrow.
Dad : It won’t be fresh anymore. I suggest you go for the big doughnut and select the one you like.
Dan : Dad, can you please respect my decision.
Dad : Dan, can you please respect my suggestion.
This story also shows that Dan knows what his rights are, he is able to make decisions and subsequently, request his dad to respect his decision.
Children are full of potentials. They can become leaders at a tender age of three. All you need to do is to believe, believe and believe!
The children are back in Amazing Kids! It’s the first week of school and we are all so very excited. The children delight because they get to make new friends and meet the old ones. There are so many stories to be shared because the holidays were just over. It’s also a wonderful experience to observe the pioneers role model for their new friends. The pioneers lead during Songs and Rhymes and the Code of Conduct. They tell stories to their friends and serve them during Snack Time. They display a good attitude too when it’s time to tidy up. Well done! We are truly proud of you. In short, the children sing, dance, eat, drink, and do various activities together here in Amazing Kids. We are greatly encouraged. We look forward to learn from one another, work as a team, and be Amazing Leaders!